A Message from Shelley Hubal, Federation Director

With gratitude by Shelley Hubal

We are all experiencing an unprecedented and challenging time. Like many others, I am working from home. My two college-aged children are now back in Vestal. We did a marathon eight-hour car ride last Friday to clear out their dorm rooms and bring them home for the remainder of the semester.…

Rising Song Musical Brunch

A bagel, a cup of coffee and the opportunity to build community through song and fund-raising. These are just some of the elements of a special day the Federation is planning. We are pleased to announce that on Sunday, March 29, we will be hosting Rebekka Goldsmith of The Rising Song Institu…

Stolpersteine Project

Have you heard of the Stolpersteine Project?  Stolpersteine translates to stumbling stone.  It is a project that was first conceived by artist Gunter Demnig in Cologne, Germany, in 1992.  The goal of this project is to remember the victims of the Holocaust by installing small brass ston…

Community Gathering

On Thursday night, January 16 our community came together for a gathering of peace, pride and love.  It was heart-warming to see the more than 80 people that came out on this cold January night.  The community gathering was a response to recent attacks on Jewish people in New York City, …

Hanukkah 2019

It has been a busy few months for everyone here at the Federation.  We are doing lots of planning for the New Year, including work on the film fest, a new user-friendly website, a L’ag B’Omer celebration and much more.  We also continue to attend to the details of the annual campa…