A Message from Shelley Hubal, Federation Director

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With Gratitude 7/1/22

By Shelley Hubal

One of my favorite psychologists and meditation teachers is Tara Brach, Ph.D. In her teachings on self-compassion, Dr. Brach uses the acronym “RAIN,” which stands for “Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture.” All of us experience emotional pain at some point in o…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With Gratitude 5/18/22

By Shelley Hubal

Here we are again: another mass shooting. This time the perpetrator is from Broome County. He could have very easily carried out his hate-filled mission here in our community, but chose to target the Black community of Buffalo. My heart aches for the citizens of Buffalo, b…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 5/6/22

By Shelley Hubal

May 1 of this year marks my third anniversary as Federation executive director here in Binghamton. One of the first meetings I had after starting this job was with Rabbi Rachel Esserman, The Reporter’s executive editor. She stressed to me the importance of writing a colum…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 4/8/22

By Shelley Hubal

When we see the images of Ukrainian people fleeing for their lives with little more than the clothes on their backs, we can’t help but be reminded of the Exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. As of this writing, more than four million refugees have left their…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With Gratitude 3/11/22

By Shelley Hubal

“Jewish people take care of their own.” An irate community member said this to me recently. The prompt for her comment was a television commercial sponsored by a Christian aid organization. The commercial contains images of unclean and destitute elderly people. While th…